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low testosterone symptoms irvine, ca

What Are The Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

Adequate testosterone levels are essential for proper sexual development and essential body functions. Although testosterone is a hormone both men and women produce, the effects of testosterone deficiency are more pronounced in males.

Testosterone production rises during puberty to give men sex drive, muscle mass, strength, sperm production, bone density, and more. It naturally begins to decrease after turning 30 and progressively declines as men continue to get older.

However, some men begin to suffer from low testosterone long before the natural decline that comes with age. Worse still, the information out there concerning low-T is either sensational, or packed with medical jargon. How can a man tell when his testosterone has started to decline, regardless of his age?

Many men who are unable to produce enough testosterone suffer from depression, irritability, lack of energy, reduced libido, impotence, and fatigue. Besides aging, other common causes of low testosterone levels include certain infections and chronic medical conditions such as obesity and diabetes. It’s important to be aware of your baseline testosterone levels and the physical and emotional changes you might experience after a significant drop in testosterone.

If you’re worried your testosterone level may be lower than average or just want to be better informed, keep reading. We’ll go over the 10 common signs of low testosterone and how they affect performance.

10 Signs and Symptoms of Low Testosterone

1. Low sex drive
For men, sex drives typically decline with age. Naturally, sex may be the last thing on your mind if you’re under stress or are struggling with anxiety or depression. However, if your libido has suddenly dropped to the point where intimate moments are no longer enjoyable, then that could be a sign of low testosterone.

2. Hair loss
While balding is a general occurrence for many men as they age, shedding body hair in particular is a symptom of low testosterone. Testosterone promotes body hair growth. Men don’t necessarily lose hair from low T, but low T in men often results in low E2 (estradiol). Low estradiol levels cause hair to thin out. As a result, a man with low testosterone may notice hair loss around the pubic area, underarms, or beard.

3. Chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue is another common symptom of low testosterone in men. It goes beyond feeling “a little tired” here and there.
Men with low testosterone levels frequently feel exhausted and crave naps throughout the day. This type of fatigue usually does not improve after rest. At times, men with low T may feel so fatigued that they lose motivation to exercise, get up, move around, or complete their normal activities.

4. Difficulty achieving erections
Testosterone stimulates the brain receptors that cause and maintain erections. Men with low testosterone levels may experience a lack of spontaneous or morning erections. Low testosterone also makes achieving an erection during foreplay difficult.

Other factors that may cause erectile dysfunction include:

  • high cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • stress/anxiety
  • alcohol consumption
  • thyroid problems

Only a comprehensive blood test will tell you whether the issue is low T, or something lifestyle related.

5. Mood swings
Testosterone plays a role in maintaining mood and mental capacity in men. Men with low testosterone tend to experience irritability, depression, mood swings, or problems focusing.

6. Memory loss
Another function associated with testosterone is cognitive function, specifically memory. Brain fog or a general decline in working memory is common in men with low testosterone. According to research conducted by Saint Louis University, having low testosterone may also put older men at a higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Less muscle mass
Testosterone builds muscle and strength. It stimulates tissue growth throughout the body and is a potent growth hormone. When you exercise, testosterone is released to build muscle mass. Men with low testosterone rapidly begin to lose muscle and may develop weak bones, leading to bone fractures or breaks.

8. Increased body fat
Testosterone plays an important role in metabolism, which helps men burn fat efficiently. Low t levels disrupt the metabolism and result in an increase in body fat regardless of how active and healthy the person’s lifestyle is. Low testosterone men may find themselves gaining weight despite rigorous and frequent workout routines. In extreme cases, men with low testosterone may also begin to develop enlarged breasts.

9. Trouble sleeping
Inadequate levels of testosterone may also affect your sleep patterns. Insomnia also lowers testosterone levels, making them directly related. The lower your testosterone, the less you sleep, and the less you sleep, the lower your testosterone. This means low-T can often have a snowball effect, with even just a week of sleep deprivation leading to a progressive decline in testosterone levels.

10. Hot flashes
Another warning sign of low testosterone in men is heat dysregulation and breaking out in cold sweats. While hot flashes are commonly associated with women during menopause, men with low testosterone can also experience this symptom. These “hot flashes” vary in duration and may lead to uncomfortable night sweating or burning sensations.

Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Work?

Aging is inevitable, but how you age can be in your control. If you are concerned with your testosterone levels and have been experiencing some of the symptoms we discussed today, it is important to consult with your doctor before the damage to your life and health becomes severe.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHT), such as testosterone replacement therapy, is a reliable, safe, and effective treatment that can be administered to aging men to help them regain control and be free of symptoms that interfere with their daily lives.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy of Orange County provides comprehensive Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) programs to tackle hormonal imbalance in men and help male patients avoid a lot of the symptoms that come with natural hormonal decline.

All members of our staff are certified medical professionals and are available to provide around the clock support to answer any questions and concerns. We prioritize helping patients improve their overall health, by addressing nutrient deficiencies, improving their sleep quality, exercising and reducing stress — all of which have been known to help balance hormones and reduce the uncomfortable symptoms associated with aging and hormonal decline.

If you or someone you know may benefit from our programs and is located in Irvine or in the Greater Orange County, CA area, reach out to us for a TRT consultation to see if it is right for you. We are here to help our patients improve their health issues and improve their quality of life. Don’t put your health aside any longer. Take charge and call us today.