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low testosterone risks irvine

Testosterone is an indispensable hormone in the body. It regulates many body functions and works with other hormones to maintain reproductive tissue, bone mass, and sexual health in both males and females.

  • In men, testosterone regulates:
  • Sex drive (libido)
  • Fat distribution
  • Strength
  • Muscle mass
  • Supports the production of red blood cells and sperm.

When a man hits puberty, testosterone spreads through the body and becomes the catalyst for body hair growth, the deepening of his voice, and the development of the penis and testes. As men age, testosterone levels drop by about 2% per year. The pituitary gland sends fewer signals to the testes to produce testosterone and the amount of testosterone that can be produced by the testes declines. Without testosterone, men face a number of serious health problems. These health risks include an increased risk of heart disease, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis (brittle bones), and cancer.

Over 30% of men over age 45 experience below normal levels of testosterone, which manifests as physical symptoms and can be identified through a blood test.

What Causes Low Testosterone in Men?

Low testosterone levels can be caused by certain diseases and genetic conditions. Damage to the testes, damage to the pituitary and hypothalamus glands, infections, autoimmune conditions, and genetic disease can all result in low testosterone production.

One of the main functions of testosterone is to regulate sexual health. Adult men typically become aware of impairment in sexual function before any other sign of testosterone deficiency in men. Most men don’t notice low testosterone levels until they experience loss of sex drive, difficulty becoming and staying erect, reduced testicle size, reduced sperm count, and infertility. However, symptoms like depression and fatigue are likely to have shown up before then.

Men with low testosterone experience thinning beards and shedding of body hair, as well as reduced muscle mass, enlarged breast size, and mood swings. Weak bones (osteoporosis) are another concern when a person is diagnosed with low testosterone.

Women can also be affected by symptoms of testosterone deficiency. Like men, they may experience difficulty concentrating, low libido, depression, and reduced bone strength.

Health Risks of Testosterone Deficiency

Sustained low testosterone levels pose many serious health risks. Testosterone deficiency is linked to health problems like diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis (brittle and weak bone density). Testosterone affects the body’s ability to respond to insulin and consume blood sugar. Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop in men with low testosterone levels. Conversely, men with diabetes statistically have a higher likelihood of having low testosterone.

Obesity and low testosterone are also linked. Like with diabetes, men with reduced testosterone levels are likely to become obese, and obese men are likely to have reduced testosterone levels. Men with testosterone deficiency are also at risk of developing metabolic syndrome, a condition that increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. 

This often manifests in the form of abnormal cholesterol levels, waistline obesity, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure.
Men with low testosterone levels are also at risk of coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular complications, which lead to higher mortality. Low testosterone levels also cause depression in men, even after adjusting for variables like general health, age, insomnia, and obesity.

How to Get Tested for Low Testosterone

Identifying testosterone deficiency can be difficult as many conditions can cause or be caused by low testosterone levels. Low testosterone can even be a side effect of medication, thyroid problems, and obstructive sleep apnea.
Low testosterone tests like those offered by our medical clinic in Irvine, CA are done to eliminate external factors and misdiagnosis. The test is done via a blood draw and a physical assessment.

 A proper low testosterone test must be comprehensive. As a clinic that offers comprehensive blood test panels in Orange County, we conduct a health assessment to be thorough and to rule out the possibility that certain symptoms are being caused by lifestyle habits or poor diet.

Men who are diagnosed with low testosterone typically receive TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) is administered through gel injections, implanted testosterone pellets, or topically applied testosterone in the form of gels, creams, and liquids.

 TRT restores men’s vitality and energy, improves mood, strengthens bones and muscles, increases muscle size and strength, reduces body fat by improving metabolism, speeds recovery from injuries, boosts sexual performance. It is a highly effective treatment that relieves all symptoms of low t, even in severe cases of testosterone deficiency.

Increased exercise, a healthy diet, and weight loss can also positively affect testosterone levels and alleviate symptoms. Only after conducting tests on your hormone levels will a medical professional determine whether TRT is the best course of action in your treatment plan.